Saturday, January 9, 2010

I Made It!

I'm in Edinburgh! I got to sleep in my bed! The public safety team here is the best!

The flatmates that I meet thus far are really nice. I slept pretty well last night, except I am having a bit of trouble with my heater. Luckily the heater in the hall is going full blast which I think helped. Also the duvet from the bedding pack kept me immensely warm, however, it isn't as big as the duvet I have at Hampshire and thus every now and then I would turn over and one of my limbs would come out from under the duvet and become cold and unhappy.

Well, I need to find something to eat and also an adapter so that I can plug my computer in as it is running out of battery life.


  1. Oh buddy! I read all three of your posts at the same time so I'm responding all at once...

    I am so happy for you, and I hope now that you're there you're more happy than anxious. I'm also super super jealous, and you better have tons of fun on my behalf, even if that fun is broken with nights full of chilly elbows and ankles.

    I love you!

  2. I'll warm you up? Would you like that?

  3. This is THRILLING. I hope your flatmates are really weird so you have lots of funny stories.
