Friday, January 8, 2010

Ariane in Everywhere but Edinburgh

Number of flights delayed : 4
Number of connections missed: 1
Number of hours I should have been in Edinburgh: 6

So this traveling business has been going really poorly so far. Some of it has been snow, but the reason I missed my connection in Frankfurt is still somewhat of a mystery to me. My flight from Chicago to Frankfurt sat around for an hour, was de-iced, made its way onto the runway, and then had to go back to the gate because a girl had a medical issue. I saw the flight attendants escort the girl off the plane and she looked fine, so hopefully it wasn't too serious. After that they had to find her luggage in the belly of the plane, fill out paper work, wait around, and then de-ice the plane again. So all in all it was a two hour delay and I missed my connection in Frankfurt. They re-routed me through London and here I sit waiting for my flight to Edinburgh.

I can't wait to get into a bed. Hopefully, the bed that will be my bed for the rest of the semester not a bed at a hostel. I guess a bed is a bed though. I really just want to be settled in already.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry your traveling is Sucky-Suckville so far. Although, the fact that you're in London, even if it's just the airport, makes me immensely jealous of you right now...

    Get ready for Lily and Ariane in Edinburgh Time! It's happening! I'm coming when you least expect it! (Actually, that's not true. I'll def warn you before I just show up...)
